Deployment stability
Team Edge for Exoreaction
When deploying services there is often the issue of unstable or outright faulty services being deployed. Thus I created a tool to test new versions of APIs with live data. The API needs a tiny bit of c ompatibility if it writes persistent data, but other than that it should know nothing about weather it is live or being tested. This tool checks different metrics and are able to find some edge - cases in a generic way that testing won’t find.
Cloud management
Team Edge for Exoreaction
In the end of 2021 I have been working in Go to create automated tools to manage and deploy services directly on AWS EC2 instances. This is to fill a need we had in Exoreaction to minimise time to deployment and increase our consistency and transparency in the cloud. The solution uses an explicit object for deployment so the user can be confident that they deploy their service how they intend. The service contains both idempotent and non idempotent versions of the available actions, so users can also be sure to know that when they did a change only that change happened and it really did happen all the way or not at all.
Private hosting cloud
Team Edge for Exoreaction
Since I do not want to spend time managing my servers and services running on my services and I don’t want to pay for cloud services. Have I created my own automated little cloud. It is fitted for how I use it but it is quite flexible. At the point of writing this I do not manage certificates, restarts, power - outages, provisioning or the likes anymore. I am also almost done building the automatic creation of new systems”and also removing the manual networking / port management and reverse proxying. The solution also contains simple uptime monitoring and a basis for system authentication. The authentication platform also has its own path and future.
Smaller projects
I would say 2012 is when i really started developing programs and doing projects. In 2014 I was a part of a art installation with porcelain flowers and led lighting. I had nothing to do with the art, but I helped a friend fit the flowers with LEDs and desi gn the interactive program for them. I have also done many other projects like creating minor game engines, remote controllers, long - boards, sensor systems, smart home components and a lot more.
Infected POS and access control
We were a little group who created the backend and raspberryPI solution for a NFC based POS and access con trol system. I programmed the hardware and a friend of mine did the backend hook into our already existing user system. Main issues we had were bad wifi capabilities and peoples not so good soldering skills. The first time we tried to go live with the solu tion in 2017 we started a bit too late. So I got to test zombie development and how many hours of sleep I need in a day / week to stay productive and produce semi coherent and reasonable code.
Seedhunt Distributed computing system
In spring 2020 did I benchmark”myself to see how fast I could program something I thought was somewhat complicated. I spent two weeks managing some frontend developers and some program developers who modified the program I used for the distributed computing solution I created. The result after two weeks, It is a silly thing computing Minecraft seeds, but it was a perfect project to test my speed. The solution has since migrated serve rs but is running perfectly over a year later without any intervention from me. In total I think we had 3 or 4 people modifying the program code, and about 4 or 5 people developing the frontend and me developing the backend, distributed solution and everyt hing that comes with that, including managing the other two groups.
Bleiker High school
Elektro VG1, ICT-Service VG2
Bachelor in Programming and System-architecture
Private high schools, University Norwegian Army and Akademiet private school admissions
R1, R2, Physics1, FOKUS, Certificate of apprenticeship ICT, Trade certificate Krigsskolen ICT
Private high schools(R1, R2, Physics1), University Norwegian Army (FOKUS) and Akademiet private school admissions 2015 - 2017 Certificate of apprenticeship ICT, Trade certificate Krigsskolen ICT
0 Experiences | 0 Measurements | 0 Skills
eXOReaction AS
Konsulent arbeid på eXOReaction sitt interne software factory og vidre utleid til Entra på deres EntraOS prosjekt.
Sunstone Tech
Konsulent primært utleid til eXOReaction AS
Som shareholder i Estimako så har jeg jobbet som utvilker for de bedriftene som Estimako har invistert i.
2020 Developer
ECIT Solutions
Startet med en IT konsulent sommerjobb etterfulgt av deltids utvikler på integrasjons teamet.
Autumn Group teacher
Gruppelærer i IN1000, introduksjon til programmering.
Førstegangstjeneste og IKT lærling. Mye av mine oppgaver var å lage automatiserte script og sammenkoblinger mellom systemer for å lette dritfs jobben til de andre på avdelingen.
Intility HWSR and networks
Hos Intility fikk jeg muligheten til å gjøre mye forskjellig. Staret på settup avdelingen deres, etterfulgt av en periode på repail avdelingen. Til slutt tok jeg del i nettverksavdelingen deres.
Additional information
Voluntary work
2020 Seedhunt 2 week project to create a dis tributed computing solution written in GO. 2017 - 2018 Cybernetisk Selskab Bartender, technician etc. 2010 - 2015 Radar youth cafe and scene. Sound, light and scene. 2010 - 2020 Infected Security, Tech and CEO Started with light, sound and scene. Helped out with all kinds of work supporting the chief, chairman and technical manager. Was manager for both tech and security in periods. Then became the CEO. 2011, 2013 Granittrock festival Sound, lights and scene, administration and guard el ected office UIO - CYB 2018 Kjellerstyret (student bar/cafe, Technical officer) 2017 - 2019 Radar Event (CEO) 2017 - 2020 Infected (CEO), UIO - IFI 2017 - 2018 CampusTG (long term project) 2011 - 2013 Radar Event (Technical officer) 2011 - 2013 UKM arranger (Technical officer)
License class A2 B Prior security clearance H/NS
Language and technology
Languages: Go, C, Java, C#, BASH, Python. Operations Linux, Windows, Cisco, Aruba
03.07.2017 Apprenticesh ip ICT (Fagbrev IKT - servicefag) 08.12.2016 Data Security Leader (DSL) , NSM 27.02.2015 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals 02.02.2015 Database Administration Fundamentals 10.11.2014 Networking Fundamentals,